Saturday, August 31, 2019
Lincoln’s Goals of Emancipation and Preservation of the Union
Abraham Lincoln’s experience as a lawyer in Illinois and a member of congress for a short time could not have fully prepared him for the challenges of his presidency. His main obstacle was the disunity of the nation, and his main goal during his presidency was to reunite the country. In his own words â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand†. He also faced the challenge of slavery, which was a problem that had plagued America since its early days, and a major cause in starting the civil war.Lincoln believed that slavery should be abolished, more importantly though he believed in the preservation of the union, and in the end he issued the emancipation proclamation in order to preserve the union. As a person, Lincoln held the ideal of slavery to be wrong, and morally believed that slaves should be freed. He believed in the equality of all men. In an address to congress Lincoln said â€Å"the United States ought to cooperate with any state which may adopt gradual abolishment of slavery, giving to such state pecuniary aid†(Document A).This shows that he supported the abolition of slavery and was willing to support any other nation which was to do it. Lincoln also said in the Gettysburg address: â€Å"our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal†and he resolved that â€Å"that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth†. He believed in the ideals of America very strongly, including the idea that all men are created equal.Lincoln wanted to free the slaves, since he did not think it was right that they were enslaved. In addition to that Lincoln adamantly wanted to preserve the union, and so he took special wartime actions for that purpose. During the war, it was likely that the border states might have seceded from the union. To prevent this in Kentucky Lincoln instituted martia l law to keep control. In Maryland he had all the pro-secession members of the state congress arrested.These drastic actions showed how serious he was about preserving the union. Lincoln also suspended the writ of habeas corpus – the legal protection requiring a court to determine if a person is lawfully arrested. Under this suspension, over 13,000 anti-union Americans were arrested. These included legislators and newspaper editors among others. These arrests were enacted in order to silence anti-union voices, and the fact that this took place showed how concerned Lincoln was with preserving the union.Ultimately, Lincoln’s emancipation proclamation was issued as a way to help preserve the country, because of the advantages it gave the union in the war. It was more important to him to save the union than free the slaves, as he once said â€Å"If I could save the union without freeing any slave I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would so it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it†.Lincoln also said that â€Å"emancipation would help us in Europe, and convince them that we are incited by something more than ambition. †(Document B). Indeed, once the emancipation proclamation was issued it ended any possibility that European nations would aid the confederacy in the war. This was a strategic move on Lincoln’s part, to mitigate the support that the confederates received, in order to win the war and preserve the union. The emancipation proclamation was also strategic because of the effects that it had on the black people of the south.Freed blacks were encouraged to join the US army with promotional posters such as that in Document D. Lincoln knew that this would help in the war by adding to their ranks. Furthermore the southerners experienced a labour shortage, because their slaves considered themselves free, and left work undone which was left to be done by the white people of the South. The Emancipation proclamation truly was a brilliant strategic move on the part of Lincoln, engineered for the purpose of keeping the United States intact.Although he believed that slavery was wrong , Lincoln was more concerned with preserving the union, and his actions in freeing the slaves through the emancipation proclamation were done to meet the latter goal. Lincoln knew that slavery was one of the root causes of the war, and it was always an impending issue throughout the war. At the end of the day though, the slaves were freed in order to bring greater unity to the country. His actions ended up bringing increased freedom to black Americans, saved the country’s unity, and have forever defined him as one of the greatest presidents in American history.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Week Progress Report
Select one of the locations and prepare a comprehensive risk assessment for McBride management team. The risk assessment should identify the background and potential risks that could Impact the operation of the business. It will provide Background Possible Failure ScenariosPotential targets of terrorist activity such as government offices, law enforcement agencies, or politically sensitive businesses or services Public Imagine and Reputation Public transportation facilities that might handle the carriage of dangerous or hazardous substances, which could be Involved In major accidents Potential targets of criminal activity Safety and Environment The use of toxic chemicals In the violently of the business by manufacturing processes Industrial solvents, blue print machines, etc. Possible Risk Treatments ConclusionIn conclusion, the paper was provided to References By Jasmine McBride Financial Services, one of the Virtual Organizations, is currently opening offices in Boise, Idaho and Si oux Falls, South Dakota. Select one of the locations and assessment should identify the background and potential risks that could impact the hazardous substances, which could be involved in major accidents Potential targets The use of toxic chemicals in the vicinity of the business by manufacturing processes industrial solvents, blue print machines, etc. Possible Risk Treatments
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Action Learning In Leadership Development Education Essay
Action Learning In Leadership Development Education Essay From recent study leadership is personal trait (Stogdill, 1948; Goleman, 1998) to a focus on the process and relationship between leaders and followers (Bass, 1985; Burns, 1978) leadership is a function of the entire collective process of all the personality traits. Leadership is developed by continuous steps of learning that is it cannot be developed at a time. It is developed through processes of learning. (Barker, 2001; Drath, 2001) Leonard, S. and Lang, F (2010) says that action learning for leadership development. He describes action learning is being used increasingly now days as a main method to build leadership skills and improving leadership behavior. He also describes different skills of leadership like cognitive skills, relationship skills, and self management skills are developed through action learning As described by the Reeve, S. (1999) described the importance of working in group in action learning. He describes that successful action learning creates good adult/adul t relationship, respect, control of the learning experience, encouragement of cooperative and cohesive attitudes within the set, trust, confidence over ones own self and the cycle of learning towards its reflection. In groups people begin to value others opinions, suggestions are made about processes, methodologies and sources. Serrat, O. [ 1 ]  (2008) explains the process of action learning generates discipline to work within action learning steps which helps the individual to develop its personality traits. In action learning process he describes individual’s personal development, challenges, self confidence, help people to communicate more effectively, build leadership competences and organizations really feel the benefits of the outcomes of action learning. Henderson, I. (1993) describes action learning as a link in management development He describes action learning as a main link in management, that without it effective development of the management cannot be pos sible. He described the phenomena that every job required specific demand, and these demands are fulfilled only when the person know the essential features of management work. This can be done through parasitizing in action learning. Esons, S. and Kramer, R. (2007) describes the process that how the knowledge gained by action learning is used to develop leaders.He describes the processes through which action learners learn the abilities of a leadership behavior. He further describes the problems of transferring the knowledge in action learning which a major hindrance in leadership development. That includes the process of unlearning person’s previous norms and believes etc Roberts, C. (2009) defines the leadership levels as an action learning approach. Author explained that leadership is developed through mutual respect, trust, social awareness, and personal skills that are well gained by action learning. Like these all are traits of personality which a person learns through the process of action learning which makes him a leader. Rapid I [ 2 ]  (2010) describe the importance of action learning in leadership development. He emphasizes that for leadership development it is important for the individual to have the capability to put learning into action. Jay a conger and Ginka Toegel (2001) also describe action learning as a pathway to leadership development. According to the authors action learning develops those skills in a person which develops a pathway to the leadership behavior.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Monaco grand prix economic impacts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Monaco grand prix economic impacts - Essay Example They are typically organized by variable combination of national governmental and international non-governmental organizations (Sylt and Reid, 2010).†The Monaco Grand prix has great economical impacts; first and foremost it leads to technological development of mass communication especially satellite television. This development means that revenues from television to host the events increase overwhelmingly. The television rights are sold very highly like the rights to host Olympic games in 2000 in Sidney was over US$1 billion (Sylt and Reid, 2010). There is also a lot of corporate sponsorship which provide huge sums of money to the host countries. The event is also useful in marketing products and showcasing various country attractions hence attracting tourism and foreign investments. This event is one of the most significant events ready to transform the country. This leads to an increase in the volumes of tourists who come to the event for various reasons (Sharkey, 2011). In return, the huge visitor or tourist volumes increase the revenue received from the tourist and hence boosts the local trade. To host such an event, a lot of marketing and publicity has to be done, this leads to the host country being known world wide and having a positive image which in return boost tourism even during the non pick periods (Sharkey, 2011). Hosting such a mega event gives the host country a chance to be put on the world map, by providing significant exposure to the world. They serve as a platform to show the cultural, economical and political power of the host. By hosting such a significant event it shows that the country has entered the international scene as a major figure. This has been the case for countries like Singapole, Japan which hosted the 2002 FIFA World Cup, South Korea etc which little was known about them but after hosting sporting events their economies emerged and the political status became known
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Resort Management Hospitality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Resort Management Hospitality - Assignment Example The housing consist 10 cottages and 10 suites. The suites are separated between the main house, the lodge and a farmhouse. He designed The Aviary, which is a contemporary two-bedroom cottage which has a rustic New England touch of art. This cottage has a wood-and-glass wonder decked out with classy fittings and a granite hot tub next to the fireplace. There is also the barn cottage which is built with a traditional Scandinavian touch. It has been constructed using local stones and cedar shingles (Claudine et al). It has an excellent view of the scenery and close ski hill which is almost 18-feet high. The chalet is hidden on the periphery of the ski incline with sight of Mount Ascutney. The bathroom in the chalet is designed with one circular mosaic tile shower. A tub is also available in a separate shower warmed by limestone flooring. All-inclusive rate includes all meals, wines and spirits. This resort has a curlinary philosophy that revolves around the changing seasons. However, locally-grown herbs and vegetables are available every day as well as one’s dietary requirements. They do not offer a menu yet each dish is always a delight to the guests. Meals are taken in the central dining room, on the terrace beside the garden, or better yet, request for room service within the suite or cottage anywhere within the property (Barnard et al). Evening cocktails includes moet and chandon imperial beside the fireplace. With every new season comes in a special blend of activities. These include: bicycling, billiards and music at the pub, canoeing, croquets, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, downhill skiing, swimming and many other games. The facility also offers a fitness center equipped with state-of-art equipments fit for any guest. All equipment, guiding and services are incorporated in the total price. At Twin Farms resort, it is possible to view the fall foliage. For hikers and mountain climbers, Mount
Monday, August 26, 2019
Compliment Responses between Male and Female Essay
Compliment Responses between Male and Female - Essay Example This essay stresses that analysis of compliment response, which was in a contractive nature between the Kuiti speakers both the male and the female was used to identify the compliment response pattern between the three groups. The table below gives out a sample of the participation where S stands for situation, and then P stands for participation, R for rejection and lastly A for acceptance. Furthermore, the participants were assigned special numbers. Therefore, the numbers that accompanies this abbreviation represents their assigned codes. Also in the same way, the code might represent types of strategies at the level of micro representation and situations. This paper makes a conclusion that this research study demonstrated the compliment response strategies that both the male and Female Arabians usually use. It should be noted that the universal model portrayed in the study above concerning the compliment response is of positive outlook. This is because, different gender and origin portrays a different set of protocols. However, although not represented above, it should be noted that age is another important factor when it comes to response made to compliments. The finding in this research explains that the cross-linguistic compliment response patterns portray a different phenomenon at both the micro and macro levels. Notably, the three groups followed a certain preference order of rejection, evasion, and acceptance.
Harp of burma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Harp of burma - Essay Example By using the analogy of music, the Burmese harp that Mizumshima played, Takeyama has tried to promote an ideal of peace after the ravages of World War II, keeping in mind the Buddhist teachings of peace and harmony. After the Second World War, people saw the ravages of war firsthand.. Despite the dangers involved, the soldiers on both sides fought valiantly and fearlessly, perhaps not just because of their ideals, but for the pride and vainglory of their leaders and generals. To boost their morale at the war front, often troupes of musicians were sent to them to keep them entertained. This was done in an attempt to keep them fighting. Despite the peaceful ideals of Buddhism, the Japanese fought the British in Burma, a Buddhist country and shed a lot of blood there. This was in direct contrast to the Buddhist teachings. As per Mayton, â€Å"Non violence is at the heart of Buddhist thinking and behavior. The first of the five precepts that all Buddhists should follow is [to] avoid killing, or harming any living thing†(47). People who shed blood in their own ancestral land are cursed. Added to this was the fact that due to the continuous onslaught of the British, and the defeats of the Japanese elsewhere, it was becoming more and more difficult to continue fighting, calling for the Burmese to surrender (Win 114). There were many Japanese soldiers, however, who refused to surrender despite the surrender of their government. In the novel, Mizushima was asked to convince a group of soldiers, who were still fighting in the mountains, to surrender to the British. McDonald states that the Buddhist cultural practices and beliefs entail that if surrender achieves peace, then people should not be made to suffer by non surrender (23). The Burmese, being Buddhists, considered war to be foreign to their way of life, however, their Japanese occupiers were actively shedding blood in their land.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
How does Wholefoods use it's sustainable and ethical business Essay
How does Wholefoods use it's sustainable and ethical business practices to motivate their employees - Essay Example Background of the study Sustainability is a term which has been used since time in memorial. Nevertheless, this term has been used also by food sector to embrace the impression of sustainable development though its definition remains complex. Its complexity has been a great challenge to translating the concept of sustainability into specific actions as well as sustainable business practices for food industries. Nevertheless, the company has acknowledged the criticisms on their contributions towards unsustainable reduction of resources. Wholefoods intends to promote the implementation of quality and sustainable business practices through the self-regulation and voluntary initiative. Since attitudes are closely linked to behaviour and actions, the managers’ attitudes towards responsibility and sustainability for supportable development are prone to investigations by scholars. The study therefore will try to investigate how Wholefoods use its sustainable and ethical business prac tices to motivate their employees. On the other hand, the efficacy of the initiatives shall not be investigated, but will remain a field for future research. The main aim for the execution of sustainable business practices is mainly based on the managers’ or the companies’ philosophy and closely related to the likelihood of cost saving. However, high commitment of employees and satisfaction and good public relations will also be mentioned as some of the key benefits. Research Objectives 1) Examine how Wholefoods uses its sustainable and ethical business practices to motivate their employees 2) Establish barriers to sustainable business practices in Wholefoods Market Company 3) Investigate strategies for sustainable business practices in the Wholefoods Company Scope of the study The scope of this study lies behind what the wholefood employees are being exposed to by the good sustainability and ethical business practices by the managers. The main interest is on the exten t to which the managers can enhance sustainable and ethical business practices in motivating the employees which has proved to be ripple effect in most of the food industry Limitation of the study Any business can be limited in its implementation due to various factors that may go beyond control. Some of the expected barriers for effective enactment of sustainable business practices are costs, time, lack of information support and the complexity associated with the subject matter. These barriers will hinder the researcher from carrying out the researcher effectively. As a result, the overall results may not be precise as possible. LITERATURE REVIEW Strategic implementation of sustainable business practices For implementing successful sustainable business practices, sustainability holistic principle should be well understood and amalgamated into the strategic planning of that particular business. In case the initiatives of sustainability are viewed as add-ons, the full paybacks of su stainable business practices shall be realized (Soper, 2007). Strategic sustainability symbolizes a full commitment shown by the executive management that can move beyond efficiency and compliance to minimize costs and risks. The incorporation of sustainability into strategic design and planning requires businesses to advance a longevity focus thus helping them to scrutinize extortions and opportunities, observe interactions outside the environment and make use of the current trends. This call for a system that discerns
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Trend report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Trend report - Essay Example This narrowed the gap from the peak by 14 percent (Kenneth, 2012). Table 1 below summarized the trend. Based on Thomas’ report, 39 years had elapsed and yet the real wage was still below the reported peak wage of 1972. In the real sense, by 2011, it was still 14 percent below the peak wage (Thomas, 2012). Despite the dwindling wage levels for workers in the country, the Federal Reserve Bank claimed that the country’s productivity was at a steady increase during this period. The study by Lawrence, Jared and Heidi (2009) showed that wage trends fueled the inequalities in income growth in the United States. In the real sense, wage comprise of three quarter of the family’s total income. However, for the broad middle class group, salaries and wages consist of more than three quarters of the families’ income. It was estimated that between 1973 and the year 2011, real hourly wage attributed to a median worker only reported a 10.7 percent increase. This was mostly witnessed in the late1990s. On the contrary, real wage again registered a stagnated growth between 2002 and 2003. This is why the last decade is referred to as lost decades in terms of wage growth. Another prediction based on the study is that in cases unemployment problem persists, there is high likelihood that the country will have another lost decade in the near future. This section will provide the trends in the employees wage for the last two and half decades. Wage trend is known to have played a critical role in the families and households income trends, particularly, with the growing wage inequality being reported in the United States (Lawrence, Jared and Heidi, 2012). Basically, wage stagnation led affected income growth in the year 2000. It also contributed to high unemployment rates and recession of 2007 and 2011. The reason for the stagnation includes weak recovery phases between 2002 and 2007 and loss of income during the
Friday, August 23, 2019
HOWARD GOODALL'S 20TH CENTURY GREATS - BERNARD HERMAN - Assignment Example He brought the orchestra up to date with imaginative and unparalleled musical textures and effects. Hermann used electronic instruments to score a sequence of landmark films. In doing this, he did not only deter the film audience off the romantic music it was almost conversant with but he also impacted classical concert. He was unsure of his success. He never received the respect he had a desire in the classical world. However, Herman did more than anyone else to widen the musical tastes of the audience. He did this in the crucible most significant form, which is the cinema, of the twentieth century (Howard). Herman composed more than simple music to manipulate his audience as most movies scores are intended to (Howard). He created a psychological mood that developed a character unto itself. Living even beyond the images they are established to support. It is interesting to learn about the combination of historic facts and practical demonstration. It is interesting to note that the musical concepts to be observed in the Hitch scores of Hermann always have a heavy focus on internal repetition. Often, sections of Hermans music will comprise of a short notion that is repeated in various ways. On the one hand, it is applied to disguise this repetition partially, but, on the other hand, to assist the suspense and obsession of mood and cyclic falls found in the Hitchcock. The most remarkable of the repetition strategies comprise of the chromaticism and instrumentation. Chromaticism not only permits Herrmann to repeat short phrases without end, but it also increases the suspense and general mood of the scene. It is a device of Hermanns landscape, which can be seen as the first of Herrmann’s notable echoes. Herman was evidently able through his collaboration with Hitchcock to connect these films sonically. The allusions betray a more intelligent objective than a simple lack of creativity. The echoes throw thematic designs in the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Memorandum Example Essay Example for Free
Memorandum Example Essay In contrast the Royal Hawaiian’s Monarch room is located on a beachfront area of the hotel on the ground floor. The same floor holds the main lobby, restaurant, terrace area, and entrance to Waikiki beach. This would be cause for distractions and noise while meetings are going on. See Fig. 2 below for ground level floor plan. [pic] Fig. 2 Ground Floor, Royal Hawaiian Ben Armstrong2March 21, 2012 Location Residing on the west side of Oahu, the Ihilani Resort is located in Ko‘Olina, home to both residents and tourists alike. The private lagoons, marina, and golf course provide a country/villa feel in the atmosphere surrounding the hotel. With no traffic or loud city noises, the convention can be held in peace. It is also a change of scenery for those who have been to numerous conferences and meetings in Waikiki. Although the Royal Hawaiian is known for it’s bright pink exterior, it is located in the heart of Waikiki. Being surrounded by a mile-long shopping center, the hotel is always busily buzzing with tourists and locals alike. Since the HFIA convention hosts locals from our islands, shopping would not be such an attraction but more of a distraction. Dining The in-hotel dining choices for the Ihilani consists of 2 formal dining restaurants, an in formal all day restaurant, a poolside patio, and a bar. The Azul restaurant features Italian dine-in cuisine while Ushio-Tei serves an authentic Japanese buffet and entrees. Both restaurants are rated highly for their atmosphere and customer service. The Royal Hawaiian features Azure, a dine-in restaurant the overlooks the ocean with both an inside and outside terrace. Being in open-air, there would be no room for small talk with all the action happening around. Although they are also a four-star restaurant like Azul and Ushio-Tei, dinner is a way to debrief from long conventions and meeting hours. Parking A covered parking lot is provided for guests staying at the Ihilani hotel. Key card access is needed to get into the parking lot, assuring guests that their cars are safe. The lot is also connected to the meeting area for those not staying at the hotel. The convenience of having a gated parking lot puts stress aside for the convention goers. Valet service is provided at the Royal Hawaiian for a price. Another parking structure is located off-site from the hotel, but at the shopping center instead. The other parking garages located in Waikiki do accept overnight stays but are at least a 10-minute walk from where the convention is being held and a minimum $20 charge. This causes confusion and problems for those just attending the convention. Ben Armstrong 3March 21, 2012 Conclusion As you can see, the Ihilani resort is a prime candidate to be considered to host the HIFA regional convention this year. It’s location separates itself from the rest of the conventions going on at the same time and focuses on the main purpose of our gathering. By utilizing it’s secluded meetings room we also enhance the importance of our assembly. Please e-mail me at [emailprotected] com with any questions or details you have. We anticipate a great turn out this year, and look forward to working with you to host a successful convention.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The City Planners and the Planners Essay Example for Free
The City Planners and the Planners Essay In ‘The City Planners’ by Margaret Atwood and ‘The Planners’ by Boey Kim Cheng, both poet uses the structure of the poem and language techniques to form the difference between the place itself and its identity. The uniformity between these two poems is the feelings of the poet expresses for this place. In ‘The City planners’ Atwood describes the place as â€Å"dry August sunlight†, this portrays an imagery of no lighting, dark and negative and also suggests to the readers that she do not like where she are. Similarly, in â€Å"The Planners†where the poet expresses to the readers that he dislikes the atmosphere because â€Å"All spaces are gridded†which gives an imagery of there is no free space around this area. Both the poet highlights the identity of the city is perfect but in a negative way. Atwood uses sibilance in â€Å"cutting a straight swath in the discouraged grass. †This emphasizes that even nature is not freely grown, and it must get permission from the planners. Of no difference in â€Å"The Planners†Cheng also uses nature and the same language techniques of sibilance o â€Å"skies surrender†which is suggesting the buildings are so high that the sky is scared of it. The city gives a feeling of unpleasant but the image of the city seemed to be perfect. Both poet is starting to introduce to the readers that the city is not as perfect as they have seen, they expresses the feeling of resentment. In â€Å"The City Planners†Atwood uses sibilance of â€Å"the roofs all display the same slant’ this portrays an imagery of the roof is facing the same way. The words â€Å"same slant†which hints that the house is all the same, the image of the house, the direction its facing, and also the lighting is coming from the same way. The surrounding of this place, gives a feeling of boring and lost. Because everything is the same and she cannot recognise where she is and when will the journey is going to finish. In â€Å"The Planners’ Cheng uses personification of â€Å"The country wears perfect rows of shining teeth†, this creates an imagery of the city itself is looking so perfect but with â€Å"dental dexterity†which suggesting that the powerful people ‘they’ are creating a perfect image for the city. Both poem refers to the place is not in beauty itself and when you spend more time and being very focus at it, you will realise its flaws. Atwood and Cheng use structure of the poem to highlight the exact opposite between the place and its image. Atwood is contradicting what she said in the beginning of the poem where nature is not allowed to be grown anywhere they like. But toward the end of the poem Atwood says that the â€Å"houses, capsized, will slide†, this listing creates a strong feeling of fearfulness and how danger is this place in the future. But â€Å"right now nobody notices. †Atwood finishes the poem of using contradictions that the â€Å"panic of suburb†which hints that this place is getting closer the problem. Cheng uses irony in â€Å"The Planners†where â€Å"history is new again†, history is something that is true which is happening in the pass. No one can change history. The planners can only change the image (identity) of the place but they can never change its pass. History is something that will remain in people’s mind as memory and therefore they can remember it forever. Both poems show the difference between the identity and its background and what the place really are. Atwood and Cheng express the difference of the identity to itself of the place. The contradictions and irony hints that the image of the place and itself can be very different. Give the message to the readers that do not judge a someone or a something by its appearance because the external may look perfect but its internal or the interior can be vice versa.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Effect of Diet on Colorectal Cancer
Effect of Diet on Colorectal Cancer CHAPTER 1 1.1 Introduction Colorectal cancer is considered to be a major cause of cancer morbidity and mortality. It accounts for over 9% of all cancer incidences; this makes it the third most common cancer cause with nearly 1.4 million new cases diagnosed in a year (WCRF, 2012) and the fourth most common cause of death (WHO, 2002). Both men and women are affected almost equally for colorectal cancer; 9.4% in men and 10.1% in women from all incident of cancer. However, it has a clear geographical variation which is not uniformly distributed throughout the world. It has been estimated that, the developed countries with a western culture accounts for over 63% of all colorectal cancer cases (Fatima AH, 2009). Though data available to show the clear situation in developing countries, growing evidences show that the problem would be also a concern for the low and middle income countries. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was estimate that in 2008 colorectal cancer (CRC) is the 5th most common c ancer in SSA (Ferlay J, 2010 and Alice G, 2012) Several risk factors can be linked with the incidence of colorectal cancer. Age and hereditary factors are the most important factors on which an individual’s cannot able to manage. The probability of being affected by colorectal cancer is increases after the age of 40. More than 90% of colorectal cancer cases reported among people in the age greater than 50 and older (Fairley TL , 2006). In addition, a large number of environmental and behavioral risk factors can also contribute for the development of colorectal cancer; among these dietary factors are the major one (Fatima AH, 2009). With the help of different dietary assessment methods such as food recalls and food record, wide range of epidemiological studies revealed that diet can strongly influences the risk of colorectal cancer, and changes in food habits might reduce up to 70% of this cancer burden. Diets with high in fat and calories, especially animal fat, protein rich, low level of calcium and vitamin D. are some of the nutrients which can be a risk factor for colorectal cancer. High meat consumption, mainly red meat and processed meat, is mainly associated with the development of colorectal cancer (Fatima AH and Robin P, 2009; Sandhu MS, 2001; Norat T, 2002; Larsson SC, 2006, Raphaà «lle L, 2008). On the other hand, those people who eat diets low in fruits and vegetables may have also a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer (Paul T, 2001). For free living person, accurate estimation of routine dietary intake is very challenging in the study of diet and disease relationships (Jackson et. al, 2011). Moreover, there is no single method of assessment which is valid and optimal under all conditions to assess individual’s habitual dietary intake, but because of its ability to rank subjects according to their intake and also it is relatively inexpensive, food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) are often used in most epidemiological studies to assess usual dietary intake and disease development. In addition, Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) have been used to assess long-term dietary intakes and an important exposure factor for the disease conditions (Sofi F, 2008, and Streppel M, et. al, 2013). Therefore, the use of food frequency questionnaires has advantage over the other methods such as 24-hour recalls and food records since these methods do not reflect past diet intake or usual intake and they are also expens ive (Jackson et. al, 2011). Even though the Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) is a more practical tool for assessing individual diets in large cohorts, it has also more associated with measurement errors than 24-hour recalls and dietary record assessment methods. In consequence, this can bias the relative risk estimates of diet and disease risk (Lin L, 2013). One approach to improve effect estimates is through validation studies, in which individual diets by questionnaire is compared with a more precise and accurate method such as weighted dietary records (Jaceldo-Siegl et. al, 2009). The influence of dietary habit is central for the development of colorectal cancer but little is known about validity of dietary exposure assessment tools. The purpose of the study is, therefore, to evaluate the validity of the FFQ that will be used in assessing the relationship between dietary intake andcolorectal cancer. 1.2 Objective of the study To evaluate the food frequency questionnaires used to assessing the risks of dietary intake (at food group and nutrient level) for colorectal cancer with the three days weighted diet record method CHAPTER 2 2.1 Literature Reviews 2.1.1 The need of validation studies for food frequency questionnaires The role of dietary factors in the etiology of several cancers has been extensively investigated over the last few years including on colorectal cancer (Bazensky I, Shoobridge-Moran C, Yoder LH, 2007). However, accurate estimates of habitual dietary intake remain a challenge in the study of diet-disease relationships (Jackson et. Al, 2011). This is because dietary assessments could be affected by a number of factors such as motivation to complete assessments and reporting bias related with unstructured eating patterns(Livingstone MB et. al, 2009). Besides these, design of the study, outcomes of interest, and resources availability need to be considered when selecting an appropriate dietary assessment tool for a particular study(Jyh Eiin Wong et. al, 2012). In epidemiological studies, Food-Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) is often chosen assessment method for estimating dietary intake and can provide valid and reliable estimates of usual dietary intake in a variety of populations (Navarro A, et. al,2001) where as the other possible and precise methods such as food records and 24-hour recalls do not reflect past diet or usual intake and are generally expensive (Jackson et. al, 2011, Lin L, 2013). The FFQ is easy to administer, has relatively low cost, and provides a rapid estimate of usual food intake. Due to having this advantages it is more practical and frequently used dietary assessment tool for assessing individual diets in large cohorts. However, compared to other dietary assessment methods it has more associated with measurement errors that usually overestimate relative risks in studies of diet and disease risk (Jaceldo-Siegl et. al, 2009; Zulkifli SN, 1992; Fraser GE, 2003; Lin L et. al, 2013; Streppel M et. al, 2013). Therefore, nutritional values reported from FFQ data are subjected to both systematic and random errors that can significantly affect the design, analysis, and interpretation of nutritional epidemiologic studies (Carroll RJ, et. al, 1997). In addition, due to possible differences in design characteristics of the FFQ, e.g. the number of food items included, mode of administration, and also the need of cognitive process for portion size estimation, it’s validity can be affected (Jyh Eiin Wong et. al, 2012). Furthermore, the validity of the same FFQ may vary from one population to the other (Streppel M. al et, 2013). The above rationale can lead to the agreement that evaluation and validating of a FFQ is important in studying diet disease associations. Thus validation studies need to be performed to evaluate the level to which the FFQ agrees with the subjects’ true dietary intake (Cade JE et. al, 2004). Moreover, validation studies can be also carried out to assess the level of measurement error associated with the FFQ (Streppel M et al, 2013 and Cade JE et. al, 2004). Providing the fact that there is no single method which is completely free from possible biases in dietary assessment, one approach to validate the estimates of effects through the help FFQ is by comparing with a more precise method (reference method), such as weighted food record, multiple dietary recalls and use of biomarkers (Jaceldo-Siegl et. al, 2009 and Lin L, 2013). However, memory (recalls) and nutrient data are still influence estimates from the reference method (Jackson et. al, 2011, and Daures JP et. al, 2000 ). Generally, due to differences in food supply and dietary habits, there is no universally accepted FFQ that can be used for all populations in all situations. Elucidation of diet–disease relationships requires dietary assessment methods which can sufficiently describe and quantify intakes, minimize errors and provide precise estimates of variability between individuals or groups(Kaaks R et. al, 1997; Carroll RJ e 1997 and Lin L, 2013). Therefore, it is vital to make sure that any FFQ must be reliable and valid to be used in the population of interest, need to be designed to meet the aims of study populations and has contain an up-to-date list of foods(Jyh Eiin Wong,et. al, 2012). 2.1.2 Incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer is one of the major cause of morbidity and mortality. Globally it accounts for over 9% of all cancer incidences; the third most common cancer and the fourth most common cause of death. Men and women are almost equally affected by colorectal cancer; it represents 9.4% in men and 10.1% in women (Jodi D Stoocky, et al, 1996). However, is not uniformly distributed throughout the world; it has a clear geographical variation. Mainly, colorectal cancer is a disease of developed countries with a western culture. It is estimated this region accounts for over 63% of all cases. Worldwide mortality attributable to colorectal cancer is approximately half that of the incidence. In 2008, over 1.2 million new cases and 608,700 deaths estimated to have occurred (Fatima AH, 2009 and Dagfinn A, 2011). The WHO report in 2012 also showed that, in 2008 among the deaths of an estimated 7.6 million people of all cancer cases colorectal cancer (CRC) accounted for over 600 000 of those deaths, with 70% occurring in low– and middle–income countries (WHO, 2012 and Meetoo D, 2008). This indicates that though the number of cases of CRC in SSA is thought to be very low in comparison to those diagnosed in the Western world, it constitutes a significant proportion of the cancers in this region (Alice G, 2012). 2.1.3 Risk factors for colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer is widely considered to be an environmental disease; include a wide range of cultural, social, and lifestyle factors which are associated with the incidence of colorectal cancer. Age and hereditary factors are those that an individual cannot control and other modifiable environmental and lifestyle risk factors are also plays an important role in the development of colorectal cancer (Fatima A. Haggar, Robin P. Boushey 2009). Among the modifiable risk factors, diet habit is a major one and strongly influences the risk of colorectal cancer, and changes in dietary habits might also decrease up to 70 percent of this cancer burden. Diets with high fat content, especially animal fat, considered to be a major risk factor to cause colorectal cancer. However results of meta analysis supports the hypothesis that only intakes of red and processed meat are convincing dietary risk factors for colorectal cancer (Dagfinn Aune, 2011). In addition, different studies also revealed that the association of CRC risk with processed red meat may be stronger than that of fresh red meat (Sandhu MS, 2001; Norat T, 2002; Larsson SC, 2006 and Raphaà «lle L, 2008). The effect of fat consumption as possible etiologic factor for colon cancer is linked to favoring the development of a bacterial flora which capable of degrading bile salts to potentially carcinogenic compounds. The presence of heme iron in red meat believed to be the main mechanisms for the positive association in the development of colorectal cancer. In addition, exposing it to high temperatures could resulting the production of compounds such as heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Fatima A. Haggar, Robin P. Boushey 2009 and Genkinger JM, Koushik A, 2007). MS Sandhu et al in 2001 found that red and processed meat could contribute for colorectal cancer; a daily increase of 100 g of red meat and 25g of processed meat was associated with a 14% (OR;1.14, 95% CI:1.04 to 1.25) and 49% (OR; 1.49, 95% CI: 1.22 to 1.81) increased risk of colorectal cancer respectively (Sandhu MS, 2001). On the other more recent follow up study by Cross, A.J, the hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) comparing the fifth to the first quintile for both red (HR; 1.24; 95% CI, 1.09-1.42; P Norat, T in 2001 also tried to conduct meta-analysis of articles published during 1973-99 in order to look the risk of consumption of red and processed meat for colorectal cancer. High intake of red and processed meat was associated with significantly increase risk of colorectal cancer. Average Relative Risk and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the highest quantile of consumption was 1.35 (CI: 1.21-1.51) for red meat and 1.31 (CI: 1.13-1.51) for processed meat (Norat, T.,, 2002). A similar effect of red and processed meat also found in other meta-analysis of prospective studies published through March 2006 by Larsson SC and Wolk A in 2006. This meta-analysis of prospective studies support the hypothesis that high consumption of red meat and of processed meat is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer (Larsson, S.C. and Wolk, A., 2006). In addition, some studies suggest that people who eat a diet low in fruits and vegetables may have a higher risk of colorectal cancer. Differences in dietary fiber intake might have been also responsible for the observed geographic differences in the incidence rate of colorectal cancer (Janout V, and Kolla ´rova ´ H. 2001 and Fatima AH, 2009). Age is an important non modifiable factors in the development of colorectal cancer. As the increases the likelihood of colorectal cancer diagnosis increases as well. Mostly its diagnosis is common after the age of 40, then rising sharply after age 50. More than 90% of colorectal cancer cases occur in people aged 50 or older. The incidence rate is more than 50 times higher in persons aged 60 to 79 years than in those younger than 40 years. However, colorectal cancer appears to be increasing among younger persons (Ries LAG, et al.. 2008, and Fatima AH, 2009). 2.1.4 Dietary protective factors for colorectal cancer; Vegetables, Dietary fiber, whole grains Given the roles of the colon and rectum as conduits for ingested food and the many potentially anti carcinogenic substances contained in fruit(8),vegetables(8),and cereals(9),these food groups are among the most widely studied in relation to colorectal cancer risk (Steinmetz KA, Potter JD. 1991, and Slavin JL, Martini MC, 1999). Although the majority of studies have shown an inverse association between fruit and vegetable consumption and colorectal cancer risk, some prospective cohort studieshave also obtained inconsistent results; no association between fruit and vegetable consumption and the risk of having or developing a colorectal neoplasm (Paul T, 2001). Results from a meta-analysis of 13 case–control studieshave suggested that increased dietary fiber intake is associated with decreased risk of colorectal cancer, although some other prospective cohort studies do not supporting such an association (Steinmetz KA, 1994). Nonetheless, evidence from animal studies and few clinical trials continues to suggest that cerealsespecially wheat bran, contain substances, such as fiber, phytic acid, various phenolic compounds, lignins, and flavonoids, that might lower the risk for colorectal cancers.Cereal fiber might also bind carcinogens and modify glycemic index(Slavin JL , 1999, and Paul T, 2001) In a Paul T study in 2001, they were tried to associate the role of fruit and vegetable consumption and colorectal cancer. In this study 61, 463 women were followed for an average of 9.6 years and 460 incident cases of colorectal cancer were observed (291, 159 and 10 cases of colon, rectal and both sites respectively). In the entire population of this study, total fruit and vegetable consumption was inversely associated with colorectal cancer risk. The association was also showed that there is a dose–response effect; more evident among individuals who consumed the lowest amounts of fruit and vegetables was observed. In particularly, those individuals who consumed less than 1.5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day had a 1.65 relative risk (95% CI = 1.23 to 2.20;P = .001) for developing colorectal cancer compared with individuals who consumed more than 2.5 servings. However, no association between colorectal cancer risk and consumption of cereal fiber was observed in t his study. In conclusion this particular study revealed that individuals who consume very low amounts of fruit and vegetables have the greatest risk of colorectal cancer (Paul T, 2001)
Monday, August 19, 2019
Housing Authority Meeting :: Journalism Essays
Housing Authority Meeting Fine charged for questionable false alarms The city of Muncie is fining the Housing Authority of Delaware County for alleged false alarms. The announcement came at the Housing Authority’s monthly board meeting that they have been fined $100 for three false alarms in March and April. But the police may not have responded to these alarms. Executive Director Jennifer Edwards says the Muncie Police Department is making a claim of false alarms when the police are notified by the Housing Authority’s alarm company, ADT of a disturbance great enough to set off the alarms. These could be, she says, anything from a storm rattling the windows to people with mischievous intents. â€Å"But an alarm is an alarm, and they deserve the same response,†Edwards said. ADT calls the police and Edwards when an alarm is activated. Edwards claims that when she arrived, police had not responded to any of the alarms the department mentioned in the list of dates the Housing Authority is being fined for. An ordinance against false alarms says that three false alarms constitute a fine of $100, and more for each alarm afterwards. Amendments were made to this ordinance earlier this year to lessen fines for large buildings, such as those on Ball State’s campus, but are costly to the smaller, federal funded Housing Authority. â€Å"I vote we fight this,†said Commissioner Evan Terry. â€Å"I remember back in 1982 to 1986 when [false fire alarms were happening frequently] at Ball State. That’s what this ordinance is supposed to protect. False fire alarms,†Terry said. Commissioner Fred Fields said that if the police are going to charge the Housing Authority for protective services, they should at least show up. The board agreed to consult their attorney, Casey Cloyd on the matter, and take legal action if needed. Board members noted that this is a case of the city of Muncie fining a federal office in Delaware county jurisdiction, so they may not possess the ability to fine the organization. Housing Authority Meeting :: Journalism Essays Housing Authority Meeting Fine charged for questionable false alarms The city of Muncie is fining the Housing Authority of Delaware County for alleged false alarms. The announcement came at the Housing Authority’s monthly board meeting that they have been fined $100 for three false alarms in March and April. But the police may not have responded to these alarms. Executive Director Jennifer Edwards says the Muncie Police Department is making a claim of false alarms when the police are notified by the Housing Authority’s alarm company, ADT of a disturbance great enough to set off the alarms. These could be, she says, anything from a storm rattling the windows to people with mischievous intents. â€Å"But an alarm is an alarm, and they deserve the same response,†Edwards said. ADT calls the police and Edwards when an alarm is activated. Edwards claims that when she arrived, police had not responded to any of the alarms the department mentioned in the list of dates the Housing Authority is being fined for. An ordinance against false alarms says that three false alarms constitute a fine of $100, and more for each alarm afterwards. Amendments were made to this ordinance earlier this year to lessen fines for large buildings, such as those on Ball State’s campus, but are costly to the smaller, federal funded Housing Authority. â€Å"I vote we fight this,†said Commissioner Evan Terry. â€Å"I remember back in 1982 to 1986 when [false fire alarms were happening frequently] at Ball State. That’s what this ordinance is supposed to protect. False fire alarms,†Terry said. Commissioner Fred Fields said that if the police are going to charge the Housing Authority for protective services, they should at least show up. The board agreed to consult their attorney, Casey Cloyd on the matter, and take legal action if needed. Board members noted that this is a case of the city of Muncie fining a federal office in Delaware county jurisdiction, so they may not possess the ability to fine the organization.
Mike Roses Lives on the Boundary Essay -- Mike Rose Lives Boundary Es
Mike Rose's Lives on the Boundary Mike Rose’s Lives on the Boundary is an Educational Autobiography. The book begins at the beginning of his life and we follow him up into his adult years. The book focuses on the â€Å"struggles and achievements of America’s educationally underprepared†. The Alien      In order to understand Mike Rose, and his book Lives on the Boundary, you must first understand where Mike is coming from and examine his past. Mike was born to a first generation immigrant family, originally from Italy. He spent his early childhood in the mid-west and then in his latter childhood, parents not knowing any better, in East Los Angeles. Mike’s father suffered from arteriosclerosis. Neither Mike’s mother nor his father had completed high school and no one in his family had ever attended college. This is the setting, background, and characters of Mike’s tale of â€Å"struggles and achievements of America’s educationally underprepared†. Through this book Mike constantly is emphasizing three main themes. First, the importance of an educational mentor; later in this treatise we will examine several of Mike’s mentors. Second, social injustices in the American education system; specifically the lack of funding and bureaucracy’s affect on the public educational system. Third and lastly, specific teaching methods that Mike has used to reach out to kids on the boundary.      Throughout Mike’s life, he had the fortunate experience of having some inspirational mentors. I have identified four of his numerous mentors as the most critical to his development, both educationally and personally. Achieving Abnormality The first of Mike’s mentors I would like to discuss came into his life just after his father passed away, beginning of his senior year. His name was Jack MacFarland. Jack, as described by Mike Rose is, †¦a beatnik who was born too late. His teeth were stained, he tucked his sorry tie between the third and forth buttons of his shirt, and his pants were chronically wrinkled. With a cultural background like Mike’s, survival in the American educational system is a difficult struggle at best. However, Jack helped fill in some of the critical cultural blanks. â€Å"He slowly and carefully built up our knowledge of Western intellectual history – with facts, with connections, with speculations†. And Jack served as more than simply a source of numb... ...t seems that every-other president and every-other governor refers to himself or herself as the education president or education governor, yet they fail to deliver the necessary funding to maintain a high level of education for all of his or her constituents’ children. Why is it that class and culture is the determining factor for who receives a quality education, this social injustice must be remedied. My Awakening Much like Mike, I have had some amazing academic mentors that were not afraid to get down in the trenches with me and ask what I was trying to say. I had Ms. Lewis my freshmen year of high school, she would sit down with me and rip apart my paper and rework it as necessary. During my senior year of high school, I had the privilege of taking a U.W. English class that was a seminar format where the instructor would frequently conference with us, and he gave me the tools to continue my education. However, something we all need to remember, especially at PLU, is to not be afraid to be a mentor to someone else. In life, we are all teachers. We tell one another our stories, and by doing that we are teaching them what it is like to look at the world through our lens.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Religious Faith vs Science and Reason :: Essays Papers
Religious Faith vs Science and Reason Throughout history, conflicts between faith and reason took the forms of religion and free thinking. In the times of the Old Regime, people like Copernicus and Galileo were often punished for having views that contradicted the beliefs of the church. The strict control of the church was severely weakened around the beginning of the nineteenth century when the Old Regime ended. As the church's control decreased, science and intellectual thinking seemed to advance. While the people in the world became more educated, the church worked harder to maintain its influential position in society and keep the Christian faith strong. In the mid-nineteenth century, the church's task to keep people's faith strong became much harder, due to theories published by free thinkers like Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, David Friedrich Strauss, and others. These men published controversial theories that hammered away at the foundation on which the Christian church was built. As the nineteenth century progres sed, more doubts began to arise about the basic faiths of the Christian church. The impact these men had on religious thought was tremendous. Some of them are the starting points for many of the controversies existing today. Of all the scientists, historians, and philosophers in the nineteenth century, the most influential and controversial was Charles Darwin. Born in 1809, Charles Darwin always had an interest in the nature, so he chose to study botany in college. His strengths in botany led him to become the naturalist on the H.M.S. Beagle. On a trip to South America, he and the rest of the crew visited the near by Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. It was there he noticed many different variations of the same general plants and birdshe saw previously in South America. He also observed ancient fossils of extinct organisms that closely resembled modern organisms. By 1859, all of these observations inspired him to write down his theories. He wanted to explain how evolution had occurred through a process called natural selection. In his published work, On th e Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, or On the Origin of Species for short, Darwin stated that, "new species have come on the stage slowly and at successive intervals."(1) He also said, "old forms are supplanted by new and improved forms," and all organisms play a part in the "struggle for life. Religious Faith vs Science and Reason :: Essays Papers Religious Faith vs Science and Reason Throughout history, conflicts between faith and reason took the forms of religion and free thinking. In the times of the Old Regime, people like Copernicus and Galileo were often punished for having views that contradicted the beliefs of the church. The strict control of the church was severely weakened around the beginning of the nineteenth century when the Old Regime ended. As the church's control decreased, science and intellectual thinking seemed to advance. While the people in the world became more educated, the church worked harder to maintain its influential position in society and keep the Christian faith strong. In the mid-nineteenth century, the church's task to keep people's faith strong became much harder, due to theories published by free thinkers like Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, David Friedrich Strauss, and others. These men published controversial theories that hammered away at the foundation on which the Christian church was built. As the nineteenth century progres sed, more doubts began to arise about the basic faiths of the Christian church. The impact these men had on religious thought was tremendous. Some of them are the starting points for many of the controversies existing today. Of all the scientists, historians, and philosophers in the nineteenth century, the most influential and controversial was Charles Darwin. Born in 1809, Charles Darwin always had an interest in the nature, so he chose to study botany in college. His strengths in botany led him to become the naturalist on the H.M.S. Beagle. On a trip to South America, he and the rest of the crew visited the near by Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. It was there he noticed many different variations of the same general plants and birdshe saw previously in South America. He also observed ancient fossils of extinct organisms that closely resembled modern organisms. By 1859, all of these observations inspired him to write down his theories. He wanted to explain how evolution had occurred through a process called natural selection. In his published work, On th e Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, or On the Origin of Species for short, Darwin stated that, "new species have come on the stage slowly and at successive intervals."(1) He also said, "old forms are supplanted by new and improved forms," and all organisms play a part in the "struggle for life.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
One way the US Government could develop an incentive plan that when you take your items to the recycling enter, that you get a receipt showing what you brought and receive points that can be used toward your utility bill. The point system would convert to dollars for this purpose. Many communities have recycling bins that the sanitation department picks up. The point system can be used with these as well. The workers could leave the slip in the bin for the customer. They could also make sure that all communities' sanitation departments issue these bins.Consumers have several choices in how to recycle. You can take it to drop-off centers, curbside collection, and refund or deposit programs. There are three steps in recycling. First step: after collection is done, the recyclables go too recovery facility to be sorted and cleaned. They are then processed into materials that are used in manufacturing. The materials are then bought and sold like any raw materials for production. Second st ep: You will find that most of today's products are manufactured with recycled materials.The most common are paper towels, newspapers, plastic, aluminum, glass soft drink containers, plastic laundry detergent bottles, steel products, car bumpers, cereal boxes, comic books, aluminum cans, egg orators, nails, motor oil, and trash bags. Other ways that the materials are used are using recycled glass in asphalt for paving roads and using recycled plastic in park benches and carpeting. Step three: Most products you buy are now made with recycled material. When shopping you can look on the labels to see if they are.By buying these products, you will help close the loop on recycling. Other things that you can recycle are the wooden pallets that are used in shipping. You can be used in your gardens, people make furniture Tires are used in asphalt and used for shoring up areas of erosion. The overall benefits of recycling is that it will help to reduce the amount of trash and discarded items go to the landfills and incinerators. It will help to prevent pollution and help to not use new raw materials. Our natural resources like timer, water, and minerals will be able to be revalidated.When it comes to saving energy, it will help to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are apart of the climate change. The main goal is also to help us to sustain the environment for generations to come. The Job market also depends on recycling centers for paying Jobs in that community. There is one question we can ask ourselves. â€Å"Are we throwing away an energy solution? †If we were to burn all the waste in the landfills of the US, it would provide an extra 33 gateways-which is the equivalent of 33 large power plants. Philipp Schmidt-Pitchman) We are missing out on a viable energy source to help us to not to depend on other countries for our natural resources. Many Americans still believe that burning trash gives off toxic fumes but, with how modern waste-to-energy factorie s process it, there is very little air pollution. How it works is that the high temperatures burn off the bonds of toxic chemicals. I use many plastic container for storing craft materials as a way to recycle. We take any egg cartons to the farms that sale eggs. Recycling Recycling: The Best Savings Plan for a Better Tomorrow. Recycled Orchestra is the orchestra which consists of kids and teenagers who play music with the help of recycled instruments in Cateura, Paraguay which a slum made on a landfill. The people in the slums cannot afford to buy musical instruments for their children. So, they collect the instruments and waste items from the garbage and by repairing the instruments and using the other required things to make the instruments for their children.Thus, recycling of the broken instruments had led to an orchestra with an increasing number of participants in the group and which now competing in many of the tournaments in and out Paraguay. Recycled Orchestra is one of the best examples of recycling things with great output. This also shows that recycling the waste and trash into useful goods not only keeps the environment clean and saves money and raw materials but also help completing peoples dreams.Recycled Orchestra and Recycled business of games and other articles are some of the most popular concept of the biggest slums in the world. Recycling is the process of converting waste and materials into useful products to avoid the wastage of potentially useful resources, conserve the fresh raw resources for the future, reducing the pollution caused during the disposal of waste like the combustion of useless products and the activities like landfills which causes the contamination of soil and minerals and groundwater beneath it and basically to protect our planet from contamination.Recycling is one of the components of â€Å"Waste Hierarchy†–Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Recycling is a huge topic to take into the picture the steps for recycling like collecting, sorting, processing and finally using the recycled waste into useful products, then comes in the things to be recycled which give the maximum output like paper, metals, water, glass and plastic these are some of the most important ones and finally the global issues like global warming, greenhouse gases and pollution which recycling provides a solution.Firstly, the steps for recycling consist of some of the basic steps like collecting, sorting and processing it into useful products. These steps induces the â€Å"Waste Hierarchy†by itself by collecting the waste and the recyclable material from the garbage it reduces the amount of the usage new and fresh material and also reduces the waste going for direct incineration or dumping. Reuse is the final step after recycle, which is acceptance from the consumers or the usage of recycled products.The collection process is taken care by the government by assigning central collection facility for various localities and areas which collect the waste and trash from different places such as drop-off centers, buyback centers and the curbside centers. The drop-off centers consists of the various utilities which help in the collection of the junk like the rubbish bin, the other public u sage trash bin and this rash consists of unknown stuff as these drop-off centers are located in public places where so people throw a lot of unwanted and unknown stuff.The buyback centers are the profit making organizations which charge customers for collecting their trash from their community and their houses and collect the trash and sorting it and selling the same trash to the recycling facilities and waste management centers. The other facility for trash collection is the curbside centers wherein the client separates their trash according to their knowledge prior to the curbside center’s trash collection vehicles come and pick up the trash. These vehicles then dump the trash directly to the central sorting facility.Sorting is one of the most important parts of the recycling process, because if the all the things in the trash are not properly sorted the important recyclable things or even simply repaired could go in vain as in the case of recycled orchestra wherein the pro cesses of sorting they find the broken instruments which by repairing save a lot of money and cleaning up the waste. The sorting process helps in proper recycling and decomposition as well. The recycling process goes through a lot of chemical and physical changes in the actual matter which is being processed.Thus, the mixture of two different matters might change in the final result and the whole process of recycling from the collecting till the end goes in vain and creating toxic waste. Sorting of easily recyclable materials such as metals, glass, paper and plastic are the most common ones. The sorting process is taken carry by the material recovery facility wherein his paper and metal waste is separated using the vibration method which brings the light items up like first paper, then plastic and finally metals and glass which are the heaviest.The steel items such as cans and bottles are sorted by the magnetic separation method. Then the aluminium and other metallic waste are sorte d by the electric current and the plastics by the sensors and finally the glass is taken out and using the scanner for glass is checked for any other materials except the glass and then passed for recycling. Thus this thing is finally given out for finally processes. The www. recyclingguide. k org website approved by the waste management organization gives information regarding recycling and some facts such as that Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled and this unused energy from the dustbin could light up a television for more than 5000 hours. After the sorting processes the sorted garbage or trash is taken to their particular recycling centers for recycling. Recycling processes in general consists of breaking the used things in to its basic structure and then again using it for as a new product.The recycling of paper consists of breaking down the paper by mixing it with water and other chemicals and once the solution of the liquidized form of paper is formed it then heat treated and finally converted into new paper. The Bureau of International Recycling suggests that the recycling of the paper can be done for at least 7 times with a small amount of degradation in the quality of paper. Recycled paper produces 73% less air pollution than if it was made from raw materials.It's always better to use a 1 ton of recycled paper than using 24 trees for making 1 on of newspaper. The other most important substance which is recycled is metals which if sorted properly would save a lot of fresh natural resources. The recycling of metal is done by melting the used and thrown out metals at high temperature which breaks the rigid grain structure of these metals and then these metals are heat treated and and formed into desired shapes but these recycled metals are not used for heavy duty purposes due to low factor of safety and durability in it.The vehicle waste which mainly consists of metals, around 80% 0f the vehicles can be recycled. The o ther metals and substance like lead, glass and plastic go through the same process of melting and breaking down the grain structure and heat treated and finally molded into substances of daily usage but not used at the same level. With an increase of usage of plastic at the rate of 4-8% per year throughout the world, recycling them is the best option and anyway decomposition of plastic takes around 500 years.The other form of waste and the most dangerous one is the toxic waste and the waste after recycling all the waste is usually dumped into the modern landfills and modern incinerators. The landfills are big pits wherein the toxic waste and the non degradable waste is stored for decomposition. The decomposition takes place with the help of the chemicals and bacterias added in the landfills which increase the rate of the disintegration and lead to the formation of one of the most toxic gas which is methane more harmful to the environment than carbon monoxide.This gas is collected fr om the top of the the landfill through a suction pipe and then supplying methane to the thermal power plants near by to produce electricity. Some of the examples of landfills like the Cateura, Paraguay in the illustrations and another famous example is the Olympic Grounds in Australia wherein a lot of toxic waste like tanks and old warships is dumped Olympic grounds. The other types of landfills are for the human waste such as Biogas plant, Digestor which are usually implemented in the rural areas for the production of biogas to cook food and heat the house.These are big vessel or container of human and agricultural waste which is mixed with water and this solid-liquid mixture known as slurry is dumped into the digestor or the vessel and an electronically operated stirrer is provided to mix the slurry from time to time. The slurry is then kept in the digestor for a couple of weeks and due to which there is an increased in the temperature up to 70 °C – 80 °C in the vessel due to the decomposition and this induces the production of butane gas which useful in cooking and heating the house.The left out in the bioreactor known as the sludge is used as fertilizer for agriculture. Generally, biogas plant was popular in the rural areas only but nowadays there are being taken into account due to urge of renewable energy. One of the world largest biogas plant is the Penkun biogas park which has 40 modules of 500 kW electrical power each, digesting mainly energy crops. The thermal energy produced is used in a fertilizer factory next to the biogas park which is situated in Germany.Finally, if the recycling doesn’t work, incineration is the only way by which this non- recyclable byproduct cannot be used but vanished. The biomass from this landfills and biogas plant is usually used as fertilizer but the toxic ones are usually incinerated in the modern high temperature incinerator which incinerate both the liquid and the solid waste at really high temperatu res. This high temperature incineration is the â€Å"Best Technology Available†as quoted by the Mitchell Young, the editor of the book Garbage and Recycling as determined by the EPA.Most of the big factories have their modern hazardous waste incinerator on –site in their factory. But the small business depends on the off-site incineration managing all the hazardous wastes. These incinerators operate at high temperature around 1800 °F. The incinerator consists of a primary combustion chamber, an afterburner or the secondary combustion chamber which is connected to the pollution control system for controlling a monitoring the process.The afterburner increases the temperature form 1800 °F to 2200 °F which completely converts the hazardous solid and liquid waste into ashes or gases. The big banner companies such as Dove, Reliance and many more production hubs like it. But it always better to recycle than to incinerate which at some point pollute the environment. Thi s all will help in solving the global issues like global warming, pollution, greenhouse effects and many more and reduce his usage of fresh and raw resources for future. To conclude this, Recycling waste is a long term project.But its key lies in segregation and putting in some efforts to clean up the neighborhood. The main motto of recycling is creating zero waste which a worthwhile goal. If the process of recycling starts from the waste producer then it becomes much easier to recycle the process like sorting the waste and avoiding the non-recyclable material out of the landfills and dumps. Thus,recycling said to be a process not a step. These awarenesses in the people would help in achieving the goal of zero waste. Recycling is equal to a better, healthier savings plan for tomorrow.
Friday, August 16, 2019
How does haddon create sympathy for ed boone? Essay
How does Haddon create sympathy for Ed Boone? In the novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, I shall be exploring how Haddon creates sympathy for protagonist, Ed Boone. I have many aspects to protect my point of view. Firstly, our first impressions for the character of Ed Boone were that he was a caring and loving father that knew how to handle his even through his difficulties. We know he understands his son and can always sympathize with Christopher, because instead of shouting at or hugging Christopher when he got arrested, he â€Å"spread his fingers in a fan†as a â€Å"sign of love†for Christopher. We sympathize with Ed because he was currently facing the hardships of being a single parent upbringing an autistic teenager. Haddon makes us sympathize with Ed Boone from the beginning of the novel and carries on throughout exceptionally. In addition, Haddon heightens out sympathy for Ed Boone when successfully writing a pathetic fallacy for Ed. This happened when Ed had a loving son, wife, home and job, but then we began to sympathize with him because his wife left him for his next door neighbour and he was left alone. So, he started a new relationship with Mrs Shears and soon split up and Ed was left vulnerable on his own, yet again. The impact on Haddon using this technique will help the reader sympathize with Ed from the start of the novel and successfully turns him into a victim in the novel. Furthermore, we as readers can now sympathize with Ed far easier and when Ed â€Å"hides things to protect†Christopher, we can infer and deduce he knew Christopher won’t be able to take it all in and it would affect him dearly. So, Ed did what he thought was best and protected Christopher from â€Å"knowing the details†about his mother and Wellington. We can understand that it’s difficult and Ch ristopher will not be able to handle it, therefore Ed hid certain information from Christopher out of love and the understanding he has for his son. Moreover, our sympathy was given yet again to Ed when he came back from work and found his son missing. However, Ed being the responsible parent that he is phoned the police and â€Å"worried himself sick.†We can infer and deduce that Ed obviously loves Christopher and the thought of him away from his father worries him. We feel sorry for Ed because we don’t whether he will see his son again and neither does Ed. We can put ourselves in his shoes and know he must be feeling alone, guilty and full of regret and remorse, because of this, we feel sorry for the character of Ed Boone thanks to Haddon’s incredible techniques and powerful plot that guarantees sympathy given to the written character, Ed Boone. Finally, the last point I have in which Haddon makes the reader give an endless amount of sympathy and love to Ed, is where Haddon written out the situation of a single working parent of an autistic teenager who has many special needs. In which, in able to look after teenager, Christopher, you have to understand his needs and wants. To do this you will need a lot of patience and it can be very difficult at times because Christopher can last several days without eating or communicating. Also, he won’t eat any two foods touching, in result of them being thrown away and he doesn’t eat or touch anything that is the colour brown or yellow. Christopher has many other needs and Ed has to understand Christopher’s mind frame and know what to do in able to cope with his son. To be able to live with Christopher and have such a close relationship between the two of them, takes a great amount of patience and love, and is even harder to do when on your own. Haddon enable the reader to understand that life is challenging for Ed and makes us come to a realization that we will not be able to do what Ed is doing, so we naturally give our sympathy to Ed because of what he has to cope with in his day to day life. To conclude this essay, I strongly believe that Haddon creates many circumstances where the reader can sympathize with protagonist, Ed Boone. Because of Haddon’s phenomenal writing skills, we give nothing but sympathy and understanding to Ed as he faces many challenges, and because we can’t help him, we comfort Ed and sympathize with him. Sympathy given to Ed from the reader was one of Haddon’s expectations from this novel, and I can truly say he exceeded in this and brought true emotions for protagonist, Ed Boone.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
American Government: 21st Amendment
The twenty first article of amendment to the U. S. Constitution was the result of public disagreement to constitutional amendments, while the Supreme Court had played the role of ‘subject matter’ mediator. The ‘dry’ shadows of the 18th Amendment began to fade out with the coming of the Great Depression, as, the alcohol consumption was reduced, but not erased, and, at the same time, bootlegging had reached its peak. The national prohibition of alcohol has endured for only 14 years and was, finally, ratified by the legislators and 36 states on December 5, 1933.The 21st Amendment has framed sale and manufacture of grain alcohol within the state, excluding transportation and importation of liquors. The history of the U. S. court notes three cases, involving the 21st amendment; though, none of them was clearly based on the article. Craig v. Boren (No. 75-628) was the appeal from the United States district court for the Western district of Oklahoma. Appellant Crai g claimed that a statute of Oklahoma stood for discrimination based on gender, â€Å"prohibiting the sale of ‘nonintoxicating’ 3. 2% beer to males under the age of 21 and to females under the age of 18†(1976 US, 429 U.S. 190, I). Appellant Whitener took a side of equal protection challenge, because, as a licensed vendor of grain alcohol, she could quit her business or pay high penalties if she obeys or disobeys the statute of the state accordingly. To support the claim, appellants provided statistical data, proving that 18-20-year males are more likely to be arrested for drunk driving, be killed, injured, and inclined to drinking than females of the same age. Males were prohibited to purchase intoxicating liquors, yet, were allowed (anything that is not prohibited, is allowed) to drink them.The data showed that public safety had to be protected from such incidents and crashes. Concluding all stated above, Craig highlighted the violation of the Equal Protection C lause and was seeking for resolution of such a controversy. On the other hand, Boren, the governor of Oklahoma, rendered statistics, which showed â€Å"only that . 18% of females and 2% of males in the 18-20-year-old age group were arrested for â€Å"American Government: 21st Amendment†â€Å"Page#2†driving while under the influence of liquor†(1976 US, 429 U. S. 190, II C). In such a way, the appellants’ data claimed to be invalid. Boren had not put aside the Craig’s statistical evidence; yet, rated it as ‘insufficient’ in determining the key factors of traffic safety: â€Å"The statistics exhibit a variety of other shortcomings that seriously impugn their value to equal protection analysis [†¦] and make no effort to relate findings to age-sex differential†(1976 US, 429 U.S. 190, II C). For that reason, the results can hardly prove the ratio between gender/age and drinking/driving. The decision of the court was as follows : the difference between males and females of 18-20-year period had violated the Equal Protection Clause and, therefore, discriminated males by Oklahoma’s 3. 2% beer statutory scheme. Finally, the judgment of the District Court was reversed. The 21st Amendment bound the operation of the Commerce Clause.â€Å"The court assumed that the Twenty-first amendment ‘strengthened’ the State’s police powers with respect to alcohol regulation†(1976 US, 429 U. S. 190, II D). Nevertheless, Oklahoma’s discrimination against males violated the 14th Amendment, while the text of the 21st one had nothing to deal with individual rights of US citizens. While most of Americans followed the ‘dry’ law, the activists of individual freedom were weaving the threads of nationwide hazard, coming from followers of moral values.On the other hand, bootleggers knocked a fortune during the Prohibition and governments could not lose the chance to increase public revenues. The 21st Amendment had granted a safe and structured marketplace for US citizens and empowered states to regulate sale of alcohol, but legalized a widespread alcohol production, distribution and consumption within the states.However, the state’s legislative and regulatory authority, given by the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution, is a core factor of alcohol control and retailing. Bibliography: 1. â€Å"The Constitution of the United States,†Amendment 21. 2. U. S. Supreme Court. Craig v. Boren, 429 U. S. 190, 1970. Online. The Oklahoma State Courts Network. Internet. 15 March, 2007. Available: http://www. oscn. net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument. asp? CiteID=430201
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Cell Phone and driving
The purpose of the client card is for you to gain information as to what the client is using on their ace as well as any medications they may be taking that can affect the service. Do Not perform a wax service if your client is allergic to wax, taking certain medications, or using facial products that may cause their face to thin or burn while waxing. Once the consultation is complete you may now begin your waxing services. O us session. Prepare everything in advance before bring client back to the waxing area.Begin by first laying out all of your materials needed for waxing such as; hand sanitized, tweezers, eye brow comb, cotton, wax strips, scissors, and wooded applicator sticks. Briefly discuss with client the shape they are desiring. Have your client to lean back in the chair and relax. Examine the area and make your own assessment as to what the client needs. Communicate your findings and once agreed upon you may start the service. Start by sanitation your hands. Next apply pre cleaner solution to cotton balls to cleanse the brow area.Allow 3 to 5 seconds to dry, now brush brows In the direction that they grow In using the eyebrow brush/comb. Next dip the wooden stick into wax and apply underneath the brow using a thin layer of wax In the same direction of brow. Quickly apply a strip of muslin to waxed area. Rub the muslin strip with your two pointer fingers In same direction of eye brows. Hold outer corner of eye taunt and pull the strip In the opposite direction. Next repeat the waxing steps listed above for above brow, and center of brows.When finished apply wax remover to cotton balls to remove wax. Now use the brush end of comb to smooth brows. Remove any unwanted hairs that may still remain with tweezers and If needed use scissors to trim eyebrow length. Once you have achieved desired shape, apply cooling gel to eyebrows to help cool down area. At this time you may hand the mirror to the client, to let them see the finished results of their eyebrow wax service. Educate them on how often they should come back In to have them redone.Thank them for coming In and let them know that you look forward to seeing them back In 3 to 4 weeks. In conclusion eyebrow waxing may not be the most enjoyable service to have done, but when you are prepared, experienced, and customers love your work, the ending results makes It all worthwhile. Cell Phone and driving By larboard cotton balls to cleanse the brow area. Allow 3 to 5 seconds to dry, now brush brows in he direction that they grow in using the eyebrow brush/comb.Next dip the wooden stick into wax and apply underneath the brow using a thin layer of wax in the same with your two pointer fingers in same direction of eye brows. Hold outer corner of eye taunt and pull the strip in the opposite direction. Next repeat the waxing steps Remove any unwanted hairs that may still remain with tweezers and if needed use Educate them on how often they should come back in to have them redone. Thank them for coming in and let them know that you look forward to seeing them back in 3 the ending results makes it all worthwhile.
The role of government in a free market economy Essay
The role of government in a free market economy - Essay Example The transaction between the buyer and seller fosters cohesion and a free market. Competitive and free economies allow sellers to meet customers’ demands according to their likings and distribute inputs among manufacturers. Division of labor is important in an organization because it facilitates a balance in the economy to reduce the cost of production (Mathur par 2). The government plays a critical role in a free economy by proving a legal framework of enforcing contracts and resolving contractual disputes. The government also protects individual rights to property and establishes a sound economic environment by proving a stable trading currency. The government also provides public goods such as schools, hospitals and street lighting that would be costly for the private sector to provide in a market economy. The government also corrects the market failures such as economic downturns and external costs like air pollution. The government maintains the competition in the free mar ket economy through regulating the activities of monopolies and stabilizes the national economy by regulating the unemployment level, the inflation rate and enhancing the rate of economic growth. The government taxation policies also help in redistributing income in the economy by taxing the rich heavily and using the taxes to provide social services to the low income citizens. A free market elevates the overall economy of a country, but there are unfortunate situations when a free market has dysfunctions. Economists term these circumstances as market failure (Mathur par 3). Market failure occurs due to monopoly power, environmental pollution by manufacturers, common property resources, misinformation and risky business ventures. Market failure prompts the government to intervene by enabling the functioning and fluidity of these small markets. The role of government in free markets is to design, enact and finally implement reasonable market policies and laws that ensure customers an d sellers’ rights to buy, sell and own property under positive rates and trading environment. Government requires the cooperation of all free markets to improve the living standards of citizens. Private sectors that continue to improve the overall economy are fully supported by the government and their clients. The government develops institutional and democratic economic structures that guarantee strong and stable economic, political, social and environmental aspects of the country. Regulation of monopolies Monopoly power implies that a single of few manufacturers and sellers control the whole market. The entrepreneurs that control the whole market are referred to as monopolists. They restrict the production of goods and services and charge high rates. Monopolists have the ultimate control of the market thus facilitating the foreclosure of small businesses and gaining the competitive advantage. The government intervenes by creating antitrust laws that split or cease the mono polistic practices (Mathur par 4). Regulating these monopolies promotes the interest of other small-scale business communities and the public. Gas and electric services in the U.S were previously controlled by private sectors. Electricity and gas are essential in running businesses, travelling, cooking, building and construction, medical practices, water and
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Transportation in the Supply Chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Transportation in the Supply Chain - Essay Example For the paper, it is important to highlight that the paper is discussing on the concrete block s the product that is produced as well as sold by the company. It is important again to highlight that the company that does the production of the product is CRH Company. The company raw materials are imported from other companies outside the continent with very few areas that supply the company with the raw materials. It is considered very vital and quite in order to reiterate the fact that this company does the production exercise and supplies the products to the various branches that operate from the other ends of the world. These are located in the various countries in the world. This therefore vividly explains the concept of globalization as an adopted technique that the company has put into action as a way of combating the stiff completion from the other businesses (Dadashian, Shakibfar, & Fazel, 2007). It is important to highlight that the company faces very stiff competition from the other companies that produce similar products as the company. This has made the company to spend much on the product promotional measures and campaigns as well as establishing more branches all over the world. This is to enable the company to realize more sales. Some of the companies that pose great challenge to the company are; Bunco Company limited, Aisha Company limited, Genesee Company limited and finally Susana Company limited. All these produce similar product and they tend to engage the products in differentiation actions to make them attract customers to their products (Ilangkumaran, & Kumanan, 2009) In the diagrammatic representation of the supply, the chart below clearly gives the true operational picture and diagram of the company starting from the way in which the raw materials are received by the company, through processing to the supply of the products to the various wholesalers, retailers as well as
Monday, August 12, 2019
Human Resources Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Resources - Case Study Example It is worth mentioning in this context that an individual is free to do anything as long as he or she does not violate the nation’s constitution. Oiler’s activities, on this basis, can also be argued as the ones that do not violate the nation’s constitution, which lacked any protection for transgender or even did not provide any legal barrier to such activities. Moreover, Peter Oiler has always been punctual, trustworthy, and an exceptionally productive employee. He has always performed his tasks honestly, without giving the management any chance to make any complaints. He has always been working hard for the betterment of the organization and was treated as an asset for the company by his peers. There have been no complaints regarding his discipline or manners at the workplace even before his dismissal. In addition to these facts, even his co-workers did not have any complaints either with his work or with his cross-dressing. It should be noted that Civil rights Acts of 1964, Title VII (Equal Employment Opportunities) prohibits any kind of employee discrimination based on color, sex, race and national origin (National Archives, n.d.). It should be noticed that Peter Oiler was a truck driver in the organization and not the employee of a higher rank; therefore, it can be argued that Winn-Dixie has not only violated the employees’ rights but has also lost one of its loyal and hardworking employees (Texas Woman’s University, 2012). To be precise, the case apparently depicts that the rights of Oiler were violated. Question 2 ‘Employment at-will’ is being followed in many American states by the employers or the organizations to fire their employees and end the employment relationship without any liability, especially in cases which do not involve any defined contract (Texas Woman’s University, 2012). Such practices have often been observed to impose negative impacts on the employees and often de-motivate them fr om giving their best to the organization. It may also result in the decline in their productivity for the organization, distorting its image to a certain extent. In this case, after Peter Oiler’s termination, a fear and a doubt have arose in the minds of the Winn-Dixie’s employees concerning their job security and future – they thought that what had happen with Oiler can also happen to any other employee of the organization. This activity of the organization also raised many questions regarding its trust-worthiness among the employees. It may create tension between the organization and the employees, creating hurdles in the way of the organization to achieve its predetermined missions and objectives. Employees may also stop focusing much on the quality of their performance, which may ruin the overall image of the organization. Even if new ideas are generated among the employees, they may resist communicating them to the management, as they are afraid to lose the ir job. Furthermore, people are likely to resist the interference of any other entity in their personal life without liability. If the organization like Winn-Dixie continues to relate one’s personal life with one’s workplace performances, the employees are likely to consider it as a restriction to their personal space, which can affect the company’
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Microbiology review paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Microbiology review - Research Paper Example Some of these factors include the fact that the virus tends to disappear from the tissues of the severely ill patients, and thrives in patients who have been mildly affected (Halstead, 1965), while studies have been made on the tissues of the terminally ill patients (Halstead, 1965). Also, the virus does not reproduce in the effected tissues, but in healthy tissues that are often ignored during collection and isolation (Halstead, 1965). Despite these limitations, at least four different strains of the virus have been isolated, namely type 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Halstead, 1965). The vector for the virus is the Aedes aegypti mosquito in most of the cases (Halstead, 1965). There are other species of the mosquitoes which might or might not serve as vectors, depending on the geographical location of the mosquito population and the dominance of the species (Halstead, 1965). Due to the nature of the vector, Dengue can also be refereed to as a mosquito-borne hemorrhagic fever (Halstead, 1965), howe ver, this term is not preferred over Dengue fever (Halstead, 1965). Epidemiology: The recent technique is to divide the virus epidemiologically into three groups, depending on the types and degree of illnesses that it causes (Rico-Hesse, 2003). If it remains dormant in the human host with almost negligible transmissibility, it can be termed as low-level virus (Rico-Hesse, 2003). If it causes Dengue fever only, it is a medium-level virus (Rico-Hesse, 2003). If it produces the more potent form of the disease, that is Dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome, it is a high-level virus (Rico-Hesse, 2003). The potential of transmission and, hence, the epidemiology of the virus increases with the increase in the level (Rico-Hesse, 2003). The factors for this increase could be the immunological and genetic disposition of the host, and the ability of the virus to replicate progressively in the vector (Rico-Hesse, 2003). The region of the world that is most prone to the epidemics of Dengue hemorrhagic fever and shock is Southeast Asia, affecting predominantly children (Ramos, Garcia, & Villaseca, 1993). However, the epidemics are not merely restricted to this region; some of the most significant outbreaks have been reported in Cuba, Venezuela, and Brazil (Ramos et al., 1993). Other countries or regions where the disease has been reported include Greece, South Africa_ Durbin, Formosa, Bengok, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore (Halstead, 1965). A recent outbreak, in 2004, was reported from Fuzhou, China (Yan et al., 2006). It is interesting to note that no cases have yet been reported from East Pakistan, Indonesia, and Burma (Halstead, 1965). Symptoms: A detailed study of the course of action of the virus and the symptoms of the disease and their causes is beyond the scope of this paper. However, an attempt will be made to succinctly present the course of the disease. Stage 1: The virus is contracted as a result of mosquito bite (Halstead, 1965). This induces a p eriod of viral replication and reproduction as a result of which the patient becomes febrile for three or four days (Halstead, 1965). There is extensive damage to the capillaries, more than is incurred in the usual viral infections (Halstead, 1965). Stage 2: Due to reasons not yet identified, there is extensive damage to the liver, more than there is in the other organs of the body (Halstead, 1965), although the toxic conditions in the body effect the
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