Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The American Immigration Law Foundation
The American Immigration Law Foundation Free Online Research Papers The reason why I choice the NGO to be The American Immigration Law Foundation that was established in 1987.It is an IRS- designated, nonprofit, educational, charitable organization dedicated to increase public understanding of Immigration law and policy and the immigration to American society. It works to expand the knowledge of public service and excellence while clarifying immigration law. This NGO relies on tax deductible voluntary donations and grants to support our mission. One of the supporting groups is the Network for Good. This group focuses on anti-immigrant groups that close the American doors to future immigrants, making the point that America is a nation of immigrants. They are working closely with leading immigration experts through the country and with Congress and the Administration to help change our immigration system so that it can be more proactive to the needs of our economy and society. They have four main program centers: The legal action center it was create d in 1990 to promote fundamental fairness for immigrants, their families and their employers. They do work among the Immigration law advocates and it’s run by immigration practitioners and litigators. They have filed a suit against the INS and also hold briefings in the federal courts. The Immigration Policy Center dedicated to research and analysis about the contributions made to America by immigrants, The Public Education Program develops resources for teachers and students in the classroom who are exploring our nations immigrant heritage; and The Exchange Visitor Program allows small to midsize businesses to understand and participate in the global economy, training exchanges, designated by the U.S. State Department. Section 2: Introduction of Issue One major issue that keeps increasing is that for almost a decade now, there has been an increase in the number of deaths each year among unauthorized border-crossers in the deserts and mountains of southern Arizona. The official statistics compiled by the U.S. Border Patrol undercount the actual number of deaths in Arizona and elsewhere along the U.S.-Mexico border. But various academic and government studies estimate that the bodies of between 2,000 and 3,000 men, women, and children have been found along the entire southwest border since 1995, including at least 1,000 that end up in the hospital of southern Arizona. Experts, including the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), now explain this crisis as a direct consequence of U.S. immigration-control policies instituted in the mid- 1990’s. The results of the BMI study, which are confirmed by comparable research, show that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of UBC recovered bodies in the Tucson Sector from 1990 to 2005, thereby creating a major public health and humanitarian crisis in the deserts of Arizona. Instead of controlling migration we are seeing a growing human rights crisis which raises questions of equality, equity, fairness and justice in a globalized world. Studies show that immigrants pay more in taxes than what they cost in medical expenses and in education. Two different categories of debate exist. People say that they take advantage of welfare and public services, Other’s state that they are the ones filling the gaps in the labor market pertaining to the low skilled sector. My NGO explores these issues; we introduce policies and help immigrants gain the experience they need to make a better home when they go back to their country. We also help by teaching about immigrants to US citizens so they can learn and help make a difference, to lower the death of these people who are just seeking a better life. Some US citizens are against immigrants rights. In recent years, there has been controversy over the efforts of some banks to offer financial services to individuals without Social Security numbers, many whom are undocumented immigrants. More and more banks now allow people to open checking and savings accounts and to apply for credit cards and home mortgages using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number issued by the Internal Revenue Service or an identification card issued by a foreign consulate in the United States, The public viewed it as a giveaway to undocumented immigrants and viewed the mortgage program as criminal, stating they are applauding the undocumented migration. Section 3: Position statement The important fact that we seem to forget is that we are all human beings and that as human beings, we have rights. Yet we seem to be ignoring those rights. This is a very important issue that is going to be a great debate in the upcoming elections. If we get together to put The American Immigration Foundation: policy to work I believe we have a chance to save many lives and give the opportunity of a better live to others who want to live in a place where they can make a better life for them selves an they children. The American Immigration Foundation proposes that we give the opportunity to the immigrants who are already in the U.S to apply for a visa and have it renewed one time until they have achieved the years they need to become a permanent US citizen. This would allow immigrants to receive the same treatment and opportunities the US citizens now hold. This could be done with the condition that we keep track of their behaviors and contributions to society. If they are productive and can maintain a healthy living style, we would grant them US citizenship and allow them to go back to their home town to expand their knowledge and help to eliminate poverty. The people who are not in the United States should also be granted the opportunity to come to the U.S with the condition that they are going to be there to make a difference and come back to their home land with the opportunity to help out and make a difference. If this policy is put into practice it will help more people expand their educ ation and allow them to make a difference to eliminate the migration caused by their economic status. The American Immigration Law foundation has many programs that already put this into practice. We take professional, educated people or people who want to be educated, give them the opportunity to learn how the companies in the us work and take the knowledge they learn back to there home town. There they can help Eliminate poverty. We wish we could do more and that’s where this policy comes into place. Currently we mainly work with Hispanics, but we open our arms to all immigrants who qualify for our exchange program, and hope that tomorrow we can expand the criteria for the exchange program. Our accomplishments for the ending year of 2002 include publication of four major reports which was quoted in the Wall Street Journal. Fought Justice Department usage in deportation procedure and sponsored over 200n international trainees as part of an exchange visitor program. And these are some of many accomplishments and I know that if this policy is put to practice we will be able to accomplish a lot more. Bibliography Bellamy, C (2007) Serving the Under Served Banking for Undocumented Immigrants. Retrieved on 3/20/2007 from .shtml. Tienda, M (2006).Unraveling a public health enigma. Why do immigrants experience superior prenatal health outcomes? (335-388) Retrieved on 3/20/2007. Duarte, M (1990). The Funnel Effect and Recovered Bodies of Unauthorized Migrants. Binational Immigration (1-97) retrieved on 3/21/2007. Bacon,D(2007) Colecion de Derechos Humanos. The Real Political purpose of Ice raids, retrieved on 3/20/2007 from Sapkota,E(2006).Unauthorized border crossing and immigration death. Arizona N. Mexico, and El Paso Texas, (2002-2003) retrieved on 3/32/2007 from American Journal of Public Heatlth96 (1-7). Stangold, J(2001)Rights Groups urge change in border policy, â€Å" The New York Times (5/26/2007)retrieved on 3/20/2007 Neto,B(2006) CRS report for congress border security: Barnes along the U.S International Border(1-45) retrieved 3/16.2007 from spotlight CRS web. Schneider, W( 2006). Political Pulse- Spotlight on Center Stage. National Journal Group, Inc. Retrieved November 8, 2006. ( Massey,D(2005) Five Myth About Immigration: Common Misconceptions underlying U.S Border-enforcement Policy. Immigration Policy Focus. retrieved Presentation Research Papers on The American Immigration Law FoundationThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NicePETSTEL analysis of India19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraQuebec and CanadaInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesStandardized TestingThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseTwilight of the UAWEffects of Television Violence on Children
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